September 28, 2023 Gabriela Denise Avila

How to Stay Sober in a Literal Pandemic

As stated above, support can help the individual stick to treatment through the duration of the program. In addition, having a support network once treatment is over can ease the transition from rehab back to daily living. This support fosters the motivation and self-confidence needed for sustained sobriety. It is generally the first step in a more comprehensive treatment plan.

sober person

What Is Sobriety?

When one person in a relationship or family is suffering from an addiction, the entire dynamic tends to become about that addiction—trying to prevent something from happening, for example, or managing something after it’s happened. “That dynamic can really carry over into recovery, so family members can take on too much responsibility in trying to manage their loved one’s recovery,” Russell says. This gives you a quick and easy explanation for why you aren’t drinking. It also gives you a sense of purpose that can help you stay focused. My biggest fears in life include being in large groups of strange people, standing at parties by myself, and really just people in general.

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Alcohol Dependency Auburn WA

While it may be difficult to understand, addiction is not easy to break. Those struggling need all the compassionate support they can get. It’s a subversive, hardcore choice to take your life into your own hands. It’s an opportunity to grow into your bones, and every single crap thing that happens to you on the way only makes you stronger. I don’t have that much sex, and that’s more like me saying, I no longer lower my standards and sleep with just anyone because of beer goggles.

The sober curious movement

sober person

“This is sometimes how people find out they have problems of their own, honestly,” says Russell. In other words, having a friend go sober may surface some uncomfortable realities about your own drinking, or that of some of the others in your social circle. Friendships with the newly sober can strain as a result of resistance to this realization (that you, too, have an issue with substance use), so this is something to watch for, too.

  • “I was terrified about how I could keep my daughter safe. I had chronic insomnia and the social binge drinking turned into nightly wine drinking to help me sleep.”
  • If you’re a heavy drinker, it’s important that you stop drinking under the care of your doctor or an addiction specialist.

You Got People

sober person

As explained in a study from the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, even something as simple as a motivational texting program can better your chances of avoiding relapse. Detox occurs when the body goes through the process of eliminating substances from itself. Individuals who experience withdrawal symptoms have become dependant on the substance.

  • Having an accountability partner or gaining a stronger sense of trust with friends and family.
  • As a recovering person, you are more than likely finding some time during the daily grind to find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, closing your eyes and just focusing on your breath.

How To Support a Newly Sober Loved One (Plus, What Not To Do)